Wesley John Fourie, Taarn Scott & Hana Pera Aoake
1st June – 25th June 2022

Through utilising the depositories of knowledge inherent in the whenua we are interested in how through art making we might explore our relationship to place, belonging and the historical and geographical tensions that exist within our bodies. These tensions are made manifest by thinking through the relation between being tangata tiriti and tangata whenua, and how through the physical and material embodiment of the places we live, we might find ways of coming together and understanding ways of upholding kaitiakitanga together. Given the whakapapa of uku (clay) it is important to us to think through its impermanence when unfired and acknowledge that it is everywhere, providing the building blocks of many life forms. By firing clay, utilising earth pigments for paint or simply presenting it as is or as dried powder, Hana, Taarn and Wesley look to explore some of all that it is.