Natalie Cooper, Delaney Sturrock and C Miers

10 April – 4 May 2024

Navigate explores relationships between the route that is mapped, the route that is traversed, and the route that is constructed or directed.

Natalie Cooper, Delaney Sturrock, and C Miers each use a sense of navigation to form their distinct practices. Each artist explores the literal navigation of the urban infrastructure and the abstract navigation of ideas that underlie this environment. These explorations are presented through material realities, aiming to prompt the viewer’s navigation of this material within a gallery context.

Iterations of grid, line, and industrialism can be seen across the wide range of media presented. This shared visual language alludes to how each artist incorporates the idea of ‘navigation’; seen literally through Natalie’s walks to RM to collect data, audio and discarded objects, indicated through Delaney’s sculptures inspired by architectural structures and embodied through C’s methodology around the painting process.

The ongoing changes in infrastructure surrounding RM bring a new material reality with implications on navigation through the immediate surroundings and the wider structure of Tāmaki Makaurau.

Images by Ardit Hoxha