Karen Rubado
detours and daydreams
18 October – 11 November 2023
Detours and daydreams embarks on an introspective journey, weaving together memories, ancestries, and experiences to examine the terrains of identity, origin, and belonging.
Taking as its starting point the artist’s emigration from New Zealand to the U.S. and back again, the exhibition interrogates the tenuous connection between physical spaces and the psychological construct of belonging. This history echos a contemporary diasporic experience and the ambivalence of being neither fully here nor there, caught in the liminal spaces of origin and adaptation.
Recent DNA revelations contribute to the narrative, complicating the perceptions of self. As identities remain in flux, shaped by every new discovery, the exhibition examines the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of individuality.
Images by Ardit Hoxha and Karen Rubado